GENESIS Technology Incubator
GENESIS is a technology-oriented business incubator located at the Arkansas Research and Technology Park in Fayetteville, Arkansas. GENESIS offers a variety of services to qualifying technology-intensive entrepreneurs who desire to base their operations here during the critical early stages of company development. There is an established track record of helping to launch successful firms that have a lasting positive impact on the economy of Northwest Arkansas, and we have an important role to fulfill in advancing the state into the new, knowledge-based economy of the 21st Century.
Since its inception, GENESIS has assisted a number of technology-based entrepreneurs in growing their firms to the point of economic viability. The incubator has an important role as the entry point to the ARTP for start-up companies that are working to develop emerging technologies in a variety of fields. Providing support to these young firms enables GENESIS to serve as a catalyst for increasing the number of knowledge-based jobs in Northwest Arkansas and for improving the economic base of the region and the state.